Feed the birds

Sometimes I choose not to bring my phone when I walk my dogs, unless I am with my dogs. Sometimes it’s a blessing, as it keeps me mindful and less distracted . Other times I wish i had it to capture the moment.

Today I wish I had it. The dogs stumbled upon a beautification small pond on their walk yesterday, and chose to return to it today. 

Shortly past a set of townhouses, stands this beautiful pond filled with a dozen ducks. Some plain ducks , some mallard ducks. Yesterday we were the only ones visiting them. Today a woman who had just went to the local grocery store was there with two bags of fresh bread to feed the ducks . 

Nobody was watching , she looked at me. I smiled first , she smiled back and said “they’re so hungry. ” I responded with, “it’s great you’re feeding them.”

She fed them with bread fresh from the store , not left over bread from home about to go bad  , or stale bread . These were not her ducks, she had no responsibility for them. But she had probably taken a similar walk as I did, and wondered who cared for these ducks.

 It’s comforting to see a stranger’s initiative to care for others, without the expectation of anything in return .

The joys of Conan 

Watching this clip had me laughing with tears 

World travelling

I had to repost this after viewing it.  I’m getting back into the groove of writing about travelling today . Travelling inspired and invigorates me. I had to share it.


Spread Xmas cheer to neighbors 

Last month when my mother was visiting , a package was delivered to my home from Amazon. Since nobody was home , it was delivered to a neighbor several doors down. I had never met the person. My mother accompanied me to pick up the package in the evening. . Who opened the door , but an elderly old woman dressed in makeup and a fancy jumper.

Her name was Patricia Rose. She invited us into her home. As we walked in, I noticed a stunning black and white photo of her from the 1950s. I am sure she was a charmer in those days. Patricia asked us to have a cup of tea several times. We politefuly declined, as we were on a schedule. Instead we opted for a tour of her home. She was proud as she brought us to each room, and we ended up in the guest room.

There was a display of sparkling scarves that she knits as presents to keep her busy. One was even offered for each of us (see mine in picture above). 

 She informed us she was visiting her children and grandchildren earlier in the day. They were celebrating xmas in advance . Six weeks in advance to be exact.  They had other plans on xmas. My heart fell as I thought she may probably be alone for the holidays. 

This woman lived alone , and was so sweet offering tea and handmade scarves to us. I am sure she was filled with stories to share about the olden British days, laughter, and loneliness, hidden behind the smile she offered the entire time.

Today is Christmas , I too am alone , since my husband is working. I decided to pop by her home at high noon offering a holiday teddy bear and some chocolate. Patricia answered the door in her purple robe. She said she was not well, as she was resting after having fallen down yesterday. Her purple bruise on her forearm matched the robe. I didn’t want to intrude on her, but wanted to ensure she had at least one visitor today. She offered me a hug and kiss on the cheek. I was unsure if she would remember me, and so I wore the green sparkling scarf she had made as proof.

I wished her a merry xmas and wellness wishes. She said her day will be better after my visit.  The moment lasted less than 3 minutes.

I am not around my grandparents or family at the moment, but I do vow that I will try to visit this neighbor on a more frequent basis. 

We never want to be forgotten, and a small simple unexpected greeting can last for days.

Xmas Eve reflections 

Tonight I went to my local British town’s Christmas carols. It was as if it was a scene from a movie. 

Everyone in town went to the greens (hilly area past the city council) for a free carols. Donations were given as you received a copy of the lyrics to sing along . Mulled wine and minced pies were given out.

My time was limited  at the event ,as my dogs were distracted by the other dogs in xmas jumpers and children on razer scooters. But there was comfort in going to this event and seeing people I knew from the town present with their families and friends.

But the ones filled with wonder during the holiday season are the kids. I do not have any children, but I can imagine children during this time of year must be the most entertaining . 

They believe in the magic of Christmas, Santa Claus , and Rudolph . As an adult I can only compare this magic to that which I feel when serendipity hits when I travel. There’s such wonder and joy. In believe it’s all possible . 

Christmas is a time for giving, but also in believing . Believing in the possibilities life can offer you. Forgiveness . Reconnecting with family . And hope for next year all are possible at this time of year. 

How can you stop for a bit this season and feel the magic that may be occurring around you . Happy holidays . 

Stories of giving 

On this recent Dave Ramsey podcast, stories of giving are shared . It inspires you to give deeply. When we have more we can give more

The gift of being gentle to yourself 

When an opportunity to try something new arises, generally I am quick to grab it. But sometimes it doesn’t live up to the hype it did in my mind. The ideal me would love to be a scuba diver , do a full tough mudder, and travel for months as a proper backpacker. But the real me and the ideal me do not always align .

This was the case of aerial yoga .

Excitement brewed as I waited to attend  this class. As the warm up stretches, subsided, I questioned what am I doing here? When does the fun begin ? 

Maybe it was the instructor being too intense. Or perhaps my body simply wasn’t used to the positions we were getting in. Or perhaps I just didn’t like it. I didn’t want to admit the latter. 

To top it off I’ve been quite sore.

It’s been five days since my aerial yoga class , and I still am injured. Stiff neck and shoulders. I can’t even properly turn my neck without wincing it when driving or attempting to swim laps at the pool. 

I love yoga , how can’t I like this class? How can yoga injure me to the point I can’t twist my neck without grimacing.

And so I caved. Today i went to see an acupuncturist to take care of this. I am one who usually cares for others, and rarely take the time to take care of myself . Typical helper mentality. 

But when our body limits us we, we have no choice but to care for ourselves. There is a gift in being gentle with oneself. If you are like me, a Type A person , always striving and doing , look at how you can practice the art of non-doing. You deserve it. 

One day more

Today is the winter solstice , and what that means is it’s also the shortest day of the year. This is not what I’m happy about , but what tomorrow brings. Each day a little bit of more daylight. Soon Puzo (pictured above) will no longer needs his seasonal affective disorder (Sad) lamp 


Calendar addiction

I can admit it , when this time of year comes around, the urge returns. It’s December 20th, I’ve bought 2 planners and 3 calendars. For work , home, and somewhere in between. 

I should convert to all digital calendars, but there’s something about print that stirs me. And I know this last calendar was right because I’ve already gone out of control doing a photo shoot with my dogs.

They make me smile and that’s all that matters . Hope they bring joy to you . 

Happy calendar shopping 🙂

People are watching …

In line at the gas station shop today, a man was in line to order a water and soda. He looked in his pockets and realised he forgot his card and his cash. He was disappointed and frustrated with himself. A mother behind him offered to pay for his drinks. He was in shock. She said nonchalantly , “don’t worry about it. I know what it’s like.” Both carried on. I was behind the mother , and offered her a gratitude card for this act . 

As I walked outside, this same man who received his drinks for free was picking up a piece of random glass off the parking lot floor. This was not from his drinks , but in order for someone to not tear their tires up. He already was paying it forward . It was as if I was witnessing a gratitude commercial of kindness being contagious being played out in front of me. 

Kind acts do not go unnoticed , and often serve as inspiration for others.

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