Synchronicity in Sound Healing

Two years ago, while in Colorado with a friend, we stumbled upon a gem show.  As we searched through which gemstones we may find, there were people selling Tibetan bowls.  I was new to the world of sound healing and in the process of ongoing training.  Many of the bowls I found were overpriced, but we ended up finding one booth by a company called Serenity Tibet.  There was a woman discussing the bowls that were available, and were at an affordable price.  A man was seated at the booth, I assumed it was this woman’s husband and he was dragged to this expo event.  As I began talking to him, I discovered he himself was a sound healer from Tibet.  He actually was Suren Shrestha, well known teacher, author, and healer.  We briefly shared our experiences about sound, took some photos, and we bought some lovely instruments from them.  

Later that week, I informed my teacher Maggie in Wales about this “random” event.  She said to me, “weird things happen when you enter the world of sound.”  She continued to share that there will be moments of synchronicity on this path of sound healing.  This was true in her life, and now it was working it’s magic in mine.  

And she was right, more is slowly being revealed.  Little by little.  I had been featured on the show House Hunters International, as I searched for a place in Paris. They highlighted me doing sound healing, even though this was very new to my life. It was demonstrated for the world to see. As a trained clinical psychologist, I can share knowledge gained from theories I know, but I cannot have friends or family as clientele.  In yoga, although I have led a mini class or two with family members or friends, many don’t want to stay in an entire yoga class with me facilitating it.  But sound healing has been different.  It’s one area where I can offer the beauty and transmission of sound, regardless of the relationship to the being in front of me.  In addition, I can do this with more than one person in the room.

I was watching a show the other day which talked of manifestations, and when they discussed synchronicities as moments where various things align in our lives, the host said “we also call these things weird.”  These are moments when things can’t be explained, and I have had many of these in my life.  According to Jung and the website

“Jung believed that many occurrences labeled as “coincidences,” are not actually due to chance. Instead, he believed that these occurrences are directly related to the observer’s mind, and serve to provide powerful insight, direction and guidance.”

 Right now, it seems to be headed in the direction of sound, pilgrimage, and the Black Madonna.  Interestingly, I am embarking on a pilgrimage that will incorporate all of these this summer.  More later on this.  I’m leading my first public sound bath in Malaga, and I’m intrigued to see where this is going.  I am new-ish to this world, but have already led sound healing sessions in America, England, Wales, France, and now Spain.  Let’s see what “weird” things arise next.  

What “weird” moments of synchronicity are arising in your life now? They are there if you are willing to see them.  Put away the distractions, be, see what arises, and note them down so you don’t forget.  

Hearts Everywhere I See

Today, as I sat on the beach with Bella.  I reflected on creating a video on manifestation.  I was thinking of all the ways things have shifted in me throughout the past week, when I opened up my heart more.  It was the final missing piece for manifestation, that I didn’t realize I was lacking.  I have been focusing on my heart chakra through doing heart opening yoga sequences and mantras, but also felt a sense of it being broken open the other day.  This was from the mere thought of fostering a dog.   I have yet to decide if and when I will do this, but the mere thought of this act of love shifted something in me.  After the grief of losing one dog, and being an emotional caretaker for numerous people and a psychologist, I felt there was no space in my heart for anyone and anything else.  This was a catalyst. 

After that thought occurred, I began to see changes in my reality.  The Law of Attraction was at work.  I received scholarships for two online courses I have been eyeing.  One is on the Black Madonna and the other is on Self Compassion.  Both I had applied for various scholarships from these organizations before and never received it.  And several other positive events occurred during the week.  It was a week filled of joyous unexpected abundance.  I wanted to share this news with others.  I had my bikini on, and was going to put my shirt back on to film the video. I looked down and saw this.

A bird had pooped on it, during the minutes my shirt was off.  And it wasn’t just any poop, it was in the shape of a heart.  It was hilarious to me.  I am already the type of person to believe that a bird pooping on you can be good luck.  It’s all in the reframing.   But  the fact it pooped on my shirt that was  in the shape of a heart, was more comedic.  

I posted this on social media, and my father noted “have fun getting the stain off.”  I had to share with him, you are missing the point.  It doesn’t matter what happens with the shirt.  It was seeing the blessing and humor in this situation versus getting upset.  In letting it go, perhaps it would create more space in my life for the next thing.  

Our Beach Personalities

“At the beach, life is different. Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun. “ – Sandy Gingras

I am lucky enough to currently live walking distance to the port and beach.  Bella and I go nearly everyday.  And one thing I love to do is watch people as they engage with the sun and beach.  The area I am in is the Costa del Sol, entitled this after an excessive amount of days of sun per year.  Due to the fact that the average is around 325 days of sun, there are many tourists, retirees, and transplants from colder countries during the winter months.  

I witness people first walk onto the port, seeing the Mediterranean and the sun on a winter day. They seem stunned by the beauty.  Selfies are taken.  People sit at the first restaurant at the port to take in the local musicians, and drink a sangria or cana.  Their shoulders relax.  People then continue their stroll down the port, and eventually head to the beach.

It’s here I observe the moment they have been waiting for.  Although the sea is too cold to swim in at the moment, some still do.  It’s normal to see children get excited when arriving at the beach, because this is what children do.  But oftentimes, the adults become childlike as well.  I noticed a woman who seemed so happy being here on a weekday, that she started to slow dance with the ocean.  I saw another woman playing tag with the ocean waves that came to shore, she was in jeans and tried to run away as they came close to her.  Of course the ocean won that round, as they generally win the majority of rounds.  But the other day I saw something that will be etched in my memory.

The weather was warm, it was in the 80s (or 25 plus celsius), therefore more people were in the water.  It was the first weekend, I was in a bikini.  This is how warm it is.   There was a man who looked like a local with his son, he seemed to have just gotten out of the water.  His son laid on a towel in the sand.  This man rolled in the sand like he was a sushi roll being wrapped.  He did it with joy.  With his arms up and showed his child how great he was feeling.  Generally the sand is something everyone I know avoids, but he embraced it.  He left it on for at least ten minutes, maybe it served as an exfoliator as one does in the Dead Sea or in the spas.  Eventually he took another dip in the Mediterranean and appeared refreshed.  This was actually a joy to witness. 

I’m sharing this on the blog because it made me smile.  It served as a reminder that I need to be present to find pleasure and appreciation in another’s joy.  I wouldn’t have witnessed it if I was on my phone, and no I wasn’t quick enough to capture it on camera.  But it’s etched in my mind.  I want to encourage you to be present each time you are outside, not only to be with all of nature, people, and animals that are around you, but to observe the little things in strangers around you.  Happiness is all around.

Observe Love

It’s a time of dating apps, where one can swipe right or left to determine your worth to them.  Love seems elusive.  It’s a time where people can unmatch or ghost you if you don’t fit their ideal in the moment.  One feels disposable.  Love is a condition so many of us strive for, but feels far from reach.  

And all we need to do to witness love is put down our phones and observe it.  This is a new practice I have been trying.  If I am striving for love and all the aspects of it, not just romantic, but also communal, friendship, familial, and universal, then I am practicing witnessing and being love.  It requires one’s presence.

Today, as I sat in a local town square to be in the sun with my dog, I was present.  I observed a woman crawling on her knees to move a cigarette butt so her baby wouldn’t grasp for it as he crawled the same park.  I saw a single father, pushing his slightly tween daughter on a makeshift swing.  I observed two friends catching up, as they were on holiday.  I saw how I shielded the eyes of my dog when a razor scooter zoomed by so her bark wouldn’t ruin the mood of the moment for those around me.  I interacted with a stranger as our dogs met, and although her dog was barking, she knew her pet was curious and only wanted to smell out my dog and greet it.  None of these people were on their phones.  They were present and patient.  And this is where I observe the lines repeated so often in weddings from the Corinthians: “Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs.”   

We don’t have to wait to hear those words to be read as people exchange their vows, to see them play into action.  It’s a reminder that love is more than one’s romantic partner.  Love is how we interact with other beings in the world.  Love does not have to be saved for special moments, it is possible in every moment.  So in a time of swiping, impatience, and greed, we can remind ourselves love still exists and is all around.  But it requires us to observe.  And when we can observe love wholeheartedly, there’s a contagion to that.  We want to pass it on.  Don’t pass on the bitterness, frustration, or stress.  Pass on the love in the little acts you engage in with those in your atmosphere.

Today take note of the love you witness.  Pass it on.

New Lands, Same Excitement

Yesterday I just booked a flight for this summer to Sofia Bulgaria, which will include a day trip to Northern Macedonia.  I couldn’t be more excited.  These will be my 51st and 52nd countries to visit respectively (depending on what country counter you are using).  Generally these countries are not on people’s to do list, but the more one travels, the further one wants to explore.  And a feeling returned that I hadn’t had in awhile….


Yes, I have travelled post the pandemic, including moving two new countries post Covid: France and Spain.  But I haven’t visited new countries since February 2020.  These were Lithuania and Ukraine (image below).  Both of which I loved, and were timely.  

Although I thought some of my wanderlust was dying down, I was surprised to see it still exists within for unchartered territory.   What makes these travels more delightful is going to places I never dreamed of going to before.  I knew I would always see the top 5 of Europe because this is what is sold to us on American films and media.   But when I go to these new locations that I never dreamed of, it’s a reminder that I am pushing myself beyond the boundaries.  I am expanding the box and surpassing a goal that I never even set. 

There is an online organization called the Travel Century Club, which has a different type of count of territories.  They have over 300 territories.  If you have travelled to at least 100, you can join the club. My new goal is to hit the 100 club by the time I am 50.  And I think this is doable.  At this time, the number I am at is 64 territories.  This is an average of at least 6 more per year to visit.

I was excited about it, I told my mother today.  “I have a new goal.  I want to join the Travel Century Goal.”  After explaining what it was, she said, “oh I thought you had a real goal like of your life purpose, not a travel goal.”  I said “no, right now this is my purpose, at least until I’m 50.”  She laughed it off.  But why can’t it be?  There are certain goals I have that are out of my control, but this goal I can accomplish.  Why can’t a life goal be one’s current purpose? One’s North Star? 

It’s the internal excitement that was the signal to me that my soul again is once stirred.  This is the fuel I have been lacking.  And it is enough.  We are the ones who dictate our purposes, our lives.  Our purpose doesn’t have to be monumental.  It can shift.  It can be what pulls your life force.  And right now for me it’s the Century Club.