Just because it’s funny.

A recent snl skit…

I believe

imageThis past week I had the honor of having a private tour of the us embassy in London. it was happenstance how this occurred potential arrangement was made several months ago. As I was there, one of the people who invited me asked if I wanted to buy a souvenir from the shop… Overpriced coffee mugs, water bottles, tee shirts, and sweatpants. I declined. I then realized I had purchased a us embassy coffee cup when I moved here 1 1/2 months ago, and had been drinking out of it each day at work. Had I set the plan in action to go to the embassy 1 1/2 years prior, per the law of attraction? As one reflects on his/her life, one can’t question if we do this frequently. We set a goal of something we hope to achieve consciously or unconsciously, and then it occurs perhaps without much effort. Stars align, maybe it’s not automatic, but it happens.

It reminds me of when I was in my early 20s and disappointed I never was able to have the dorm experience. I stayed at home for college for a boy, and commuted. Although I completed school in three years and rushed to graduate school, I moved straight into an apartment alone. I accepted that living in the dorms wasn’t in the cards for me. But at 26, an opportunity came up, where I was to work for the university of Hawaii part time, and live in the dorms. I was on call for 25% of the month and now was a world of experience older than my neighbors, but I did get to live in the dorms and Hawaii.

There’s something magical of how the world works. The smallest wishes our hearts make have the potential to become reality, if we can open our eyes and remember.