Magic can exist

Magic can exist

The other day I attended a Christmas Fayre and saw my first ever reindeer. I was flabbergasted that they actually existed. Maybe it’s not so far fetched to believe in Santa, elves, and the Xmas spirit that moved even mr Scrooge. Happy holidays 🙂



For those who like to listen to coincidences…

Even after



Christmas Kindness


Yesterday I attended a Xmas market in bury st edmunds. Holiday markets here in Europe are massive, and therefore so is the traffic and parking situations. Despite this, I chose to enter a “full ” parking lot. Perhaps I could squeeze my fiat somewhere. I caught glimpse if an older man, his wife, and their two dogs heading to their car. “Are you leaving ?” I asked. He nodded, I was already sublimely happy finding a spot so soon and close to the pedestrian walkway. The elder man then headed to my car. I looked around if he was going to find a trash bin. He came to my window and offered me his parking pass, pre-paid for the entire day. I said thank you, but he left before I could run after him to give him a gratitude card. I was in shock by his kindness to a stranger, and made extra effort to be present to strangers that served me yesterday. It doesn’t take much to impact another’s world.